Service für Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version

Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version
Willkommen beim Kundenservice für Ihr Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Antworten zu häufig gestellten Fragen. Sowohl Bedienungsanleitungen wie auch Soft- und Firmware stehen zum herunterladen bereit. Ebenfalls finden Sie hier Videotutorials, die Ihnen bei der Einrichtung helfen. Wenn Ihr Produkt einen Defekt aufweist, können Sie Ihr Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version zur Reparatur anmelden. Außerdem finden Sie hier ubehör für Ihr Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version. Sollten Sie nach Produkten für Ihr Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version suchen, finden Sie Informationen dazu in unserer Kompatibilitätsdatenbank. Hier finden Sie auch Hilfestellung zum Registrieren Ihres Gigaset QuickSync - Windows Version mit anderen Geräten.

Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen

Sie haben Fragen zu Ihrem Gigaset Produkt? Hier erhalten Sie Antworten.

Top 10 FAQs

  • To enable your handset to communicate with the PC, the Gigaset QuickSync program must be installed on your PC (free to download at 

    The firmware-update of handsets is only supported by Gigaset QuickSync for Windows. The Gigaset QuickSync for MacOS supports only the firmware-update of the SL910H.


    Please make sure that you use the USB cable to connect the handset that you want to update, as updating via Bluetooth is not supported!


    If your handset is updatable and your PC is connected to the Internet, Gigaset QuickSync will automatically check for new firmware at least once a day, and if it is available it will prompt you to update your handset. You may disable this feature by unchecking the “Check Internet for new firmware and notify if update is available." checkbutton on the Settings - Firmware... page. It can also be disabled via the appropriate checkbox when Gigaset QuickSync prompts you to update your handset.


    You can always trigger the facility to check the Internet for new firmware manually:

    • Connect your phone to your PC using a USB data cable.
    • Start the Gigaset QuickSync program on your PC.
    • Establish a connection to your handset.
    • Click in the main menu of QuickSync on Firmware update.


    This launches the firmware update. The update process can take up to 10 minutes (not including the download time). Do not interrupt the process or remove the USB data cable. The data is initially loaded from the update server on the Internet. The amount of time this takes is dependent on the speed of your Internet connection.

    The display on your phone is switched off and the message key and the talk key start flashing. Once the update is complete, your phone will automatically restart.

  • Supported programms:

    • Google™ Contacts (Cloud service via Internet)
    • Windows® Contacts (on Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 und Windows® 8)
    • Windows® Address book  (on Windows® XP)
    • Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016(all in 32 bit version only)
  • Gigaset QuickSync supports the following Gigaset handsets:

    • Gigaset C670H PRO (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset CL660H (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset CL660HX (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset SL78H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S79H (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset S800H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S810H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S820H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S850H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S850HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL350H (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset SL360HS (via USB-cable)
    • Gigaset SL390HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL400H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL450H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL450HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL910H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S510H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset S650H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL610H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset SL750H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset T480HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset Maxwell Cordless (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)

    Handsets with Latin (European), Cyrillic, Greek and Turkish scripts are supported. It is not possible to connect to handsets supporting Hebrew and Arabic scripts.


    Gigaset QuickSync also supports the following Gigaset devices:

    • Gigaset DX600A (via LAN or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset DL500A (via LAN or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset DX800A all in one (via LAN or Bluetooth)
    • Gigaset DE700 IP PRO (via LAN)
    • Gigaset DE900 IP PRO (via LAN)
    • Gigaset DE310 IP PRO (via LAN)
    • Gigaset DE410 IP PRO(via LAN)
  • Microsoft itself recommends to use the 32-bit version of MS Office for their 64-bit bases operating systems, as it is more compatible with most other applications, especially third-party add-ins.

    Until further notice and based on this recommendation, we decided not to provide a Gigaset QuickSync version, that would be compatible with Office/Outlook 64-bit.

    The 32-bit MS Office package, which also belongs MS Outlook (32-bit), works without any problems with the current version of Gigaset QuickSync for Microsoft 64-bit operating systems. This version can be downloaded here.

    • Gigaset SL78H
    • Gigaset S79H
    • Gigaset S800H
    • Gigaset S810H
    • Gigaset S820H
    • Gigaset SL400H
    • Gigaset SL910H
    • Gigaset S850H
    • Gigaset S850HX
    • Gigaset SL450H
    • Gigaset SL450HX
  • Yes, the Gigaset QuickSync also supports MS Outlook 2016(32 bit version).

    • Gigaset CC660HX
    • Gigaset SL78H
    • Gigaset S79H
    • Gigaset S800H
    • Gigaset S810H
    • Gigaset S820H
    • Gigaset S850H
    • Gigaset S850HX
    • Gigaset SL350H
    • Gigaset SL360HS
    • Gigaset SL390HX
    • Gigaset SL400H
    • Gigaset SL450H
    • Gigaset SL450HX
    • Gigaset SL910H
    • Gigaset S510H PRO
    • Gigaset S650H PRO
    • Gigaset SL610H PRO
    • Gigaset SL750H PRO
    • Gigaset DL500A
    • Gigaset DX600A
    • Gigaset DX800A all in one
    • Gigaset DE700 IP PRO
    • Gigaset DE900 IP PRO
    • Gigaset DE310 IP PRO
    • Gigaset DE410 IP PRO
  • Hardware requirements

    The following hardware requirements have to be met in order to run and use Gigaset QuickSync :

    • PC or laptop compatible with supported operating system.
    • One of the supported Gigaset handsets, see Supported handsets .
    • Interface to connect handset to the computer: Bluetooth adapter (modern handset, like SL78H), USB cable (handsets with ability to update firmware, like SL78H) or Network connection (IP-enabled devices, like DX600A)


    Software requirements

    Gigaset QuickSync runs on the following operating systems:

    • Windows® Vista (32bit and 64bit)
    • Windows 7® (32bit and 64bit)
    • Windows 8® (32bit and 64bit)
    • Windows 8.1® (32bit and 64bit)
    • Windows 10® (32bit and 64bit)


    Supported programms:

    • Google™ Contacts (Cloud service via Internet)
    • Windows® Contacts (on Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 und Windows® 8)
    • Windows® Address book  (on Windows® XP)
    • Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 (all in 32 bit version only)
  • The PC contacts tab in Settings defines the methods Gigaset QuickSync uses for synchronizing contacts.


    To open the PC contacts tab:

    • Click the Settings icon on the toolbar.
    • Then click the PC contacts tab.

    All the changes are saved automatically.


    For Synchronization with the Google account select the option Google Contacts in the PC contacts list. The use of this contact source requires a Google Account and Internet access.


    Click the "Allow access" button to authorize Gigaset QuickSync to access Google Contacts. Then enter your login data in the "Google Account" window and allow access on Google Contacts by clicking the corresponding button.


    Your Google Account credentials are not stored by Gigaset QuickSync. The application will access Google Contacts only until you revoke access. Other Google Account data are not available for Gigaset QuickSync.


    By default, the contacts from your phone are synchronized with the newly created Google Contact Group "Gigaset". Mark contacts from other Contact Groups as members of the "Gigaset" group in order to synchronize these contacts with your phone. You may also change the group which is used for synchronization. To do this, select another folder in the Folder list.


    You can revoke the Gigaset QuickSync access to Google Contacts. To do this, click the "Revoke access" button.

  • To use the Picture Editor it is neccessary that the option "Manually choose part of picture" is activated in the Settings - Picture tab of the Gigaset QuickSync.

    With this configuration the Picture Editor pops up as each picture is uploaded. The preview may vary from the real view, depending on the handset.


    You will find further and detailed information, e.g. about the image and audio file formats, in the Help of Gigaset QuickSync.

alle FAQ nach Themen

  • B
    • Bluetooth
      • The software requires a resource from the Windows operating system. Providing this resource can be blocked by a virus scanner.The GQS it can not influence.

        To make a Bluetooth connection, please turn off a short time the Antivirus / Firewall.

  • C
    • Compatibility / System requirements
      • Yes, the Gigaset QuickSync also supports MS Outlook 2016(32 bit version).

      • Microsoft itself recommends to use the 32-bit version of MS Office for their 64-bit bases operating systems, as it is more compatible with most other applications, especially third-party add-ins.

        Until further notice and based on this recommendation, we decided not to provide a Gigaset QuickSync version, that would be compatible with Office/Outlook 64-bit.

        The 32-bit MS Office package, which also belongs MS Outlook (32-bit), works without any problems with the current version of Gigaset QuickSync for Microsoft 64-bit operating systems. This version can be downloaded here.

      • Yes. The current version Gigaset Quick Sync supports Windows® Vista (32bit and 64bit), Windows® 7 (32bit and 64bit), Windows® 8 and 8.1 (32bit and 64bit) and Windows® 10 (32bit and 64bit).



      • Hardware requirements

        The following hardware requirements have to be met in order to run and use Gigaset QuickSync :

        • PC or laptop compatible with supported operating system.
        • One of the supported Gigaset handsets, see Supported handsets .
        • Interface to connect handset to the computer: Bluetooth adapter (modern handset, like SL78H), USB cable (handsets with ability to update firmware, like SL78H) or Network connection (IP-enabled devices, like DX600A)


        Software requirements

        Gigaset QuickSync runs on the following operating systems:

        • Windows® Vista (32bit and 64bit)
        • Windows 7® (32bit and 64bit)
        • Windows 8® (32bit and 64bit)
        • Windows 8.1® (32bit and 64bit)
        • Windows 10® (32bit and 64bit)


        Supported programms:

        • Google™ Contacts (Cloud service via Internet)
        • Windows® Contacts (on Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 und Windows® 8)
        • Windows® Address book  (on Windows® XP)
        • Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 (all in 32 bit version only)
      • Gigaset QuickSync supports the following Gigaset handsets:

        • Gigaset C670H PRO (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset CL660H (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset CL660HX (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset SL78H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S79H (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset S800H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S810H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S820H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S850H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S850HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL350H (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset SL360HS (via USB-cable)
        • Gigaset SL390HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL400H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL450H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL450HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL910H (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S510H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset S650H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL610H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset SL750H PRO (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset T480HX (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset Maxwell Cordless (via USB-cable or Bluetooth)

        Handsets with Latin (European), Cyrillic, Greek and Turkish scripts are supported. It is not possible to connect to handsets supporting Hebrew and Arabic scripts.


        Gigaset QuickSync also supports the following Gigaset devices:

        • Gigaset DX600A (via LAN or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset DL500A (via LAN or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset DX800A all in one (via LAN or Bluetooth)
        • Gigaset DE700 IP PRO (via LAN)
        • Gigaset DE900 IP PRO (via LAN)
        • Gigaset DE310 IP PRO (via LAN)
        • Gigaset DE410 IP PRO(via LAN)
        • Gigaset CC660HX
        • Gigaset SL78H
        • Gigaset S79H
        • Gigaset S800H
        • Gigaset S810H
        • Gigaset S820H
        • Gigaset S850H
        • Gigaset S850HX
        • Gigaset SL350H
        • Gigaset SL360HS
        • Gigaset SL390HX
        • Gigaset SL400H
        • Gigaset SL450H
        • Gigaset SL450HX
        • Gigaset SL910H
        • Gigaset S510H PRO
        • Gigaset S650H PRO
        • Gigaset SL610H PRO
        • Gigaset SL750H PRO
        • Gigaset DL500A
        • Gigaset DX600A
        • Gigaset DX800A all in one
        • Gigaset DE700 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE900 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE310 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE410 IP PRO
      • Supported programms:

        • Google™ Contacts (Cloud service via Internet)
        • Windows® Contacts (on Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 und Windows® 8)
        • Windows® Address book  (on Windows® XP)
        • Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016(all in 32 bit version only)
  • F
    • Firmware / Update
      • To enable your handset to communicate with the PC, the Gigaset QuickSync program must be installed on your PC (free to download at 

        The firmware-update of handsets is only supported by Gigaset QuickSync for Windows. The Gigaset QuickSync for MacOS supports only the firmware-update of the SL910H.


        Please make sure that you use the USB cable to connect the handset that you want to update, as updating via Bluetooth is not supported!


        If your handset is updatable and your PC is connected to the Internet, Gigaset QuickSync will automatically check for new firmware at least once a day, and if it is available it will prompt you to update your handset. You may disable this feature by unchecking the “Check Internet for new firmware and notify if update is available." checkbutton on the Settings - Firmware... page. It can also be disabled via the appropriate checkbox when Gigaset QuickSync prompts you to update your handset.


        You can always trigger the facility to check the Internet for new firmware manually:

        • Connect your phone to your PC using a USB data cable.
        • Start the Gigaset QuickSync program on your PC.
        • Establish a connection to your handset.
        • Click in the main menu of QuickSync on Firmware update.


        This launches the firmware update. The update process can take up to 10 minutes (not including the download time). Do not interrupt the process or remove the USB data cable. The data is initially loaded from the update server on the Internet. The amount of time this takes is dependent on the speed of your Internet connection.

        The display on your phone is switched off and the message key and the talk key start flashing. Once the update is complete, your phone will automatically restart.

      • In the event of a serious error while your phone is being updated, it should be put into emergency mode. In this mode the phone is not operational. Only the firmware may be rewritten. To perform an emergency mode update please do as follows:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Hold down key "4" and "6" on the numeric pad.
        5. Put battery back in.
        6. Release key "4" and "6" (phone is blinking alternately).
        7. Reconnect USB cable.
        8. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        9. Start firmware update again.

        Please refer to your phone’s user guide for more information about the emergency mode and a detailed description about how to hold the phone during this procedure.

        If Gigaset QuickSync detects a phone that is in emergency mode it prompts you to start the firmware update process. This feature cannot be disabled.


        The Gigaset SL910H phone does not have Emergency Mode - it is always ready to start in ordinary mode.

        If the firmware update fails for this phone:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Put battery back in.
        5. Reconnect USB cable.
        6. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        7. Start firmware update procedure again.

        Please Note:

        Updating via Bluetooth is not supported. Please connect the phone you want to update using the USB cable. A valid Internet connection is required to allow checking for new firmware and updating of your phones. Gigaset QuickSync will inform you that there is no valid Internet connection. If you have more than one phone to be updated Gigaset QuickSync will only download the firmware from the Internet once.

        After the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet and the update process has started you cannot cancel the process, initiate another operation or close the application.

        During the update procedure:

        • Do not disconnect your device from the PC for any reason.
        • Do not turn off your PC, or activate hibernate or stand-by modes.
        • If you are using a laptop or netbook, please ensure your PC is powered up with a power supply.
        • Be patient, the update will take up to 10 minutes (without download time). The phone will disconnect and connect several times. Do not interrupt this procedure.
      • If the update procedure fails or your phone does not work properly following the update, repeat the update procedure. To perform the firmware update again, please do as follows:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Put the battery back in (phone is blinking).
        5. Reconnect USB cable.
        6. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        7. Start firmware update again.


        Please Note:

        Updating via Bluetooth is not supported. Please connect the phone you want to update using the USB cable. A valid Internet connection is required to allow checking for new firmware and updating of your phones. Gigaset QuickSync will inform you that there is no valid Internet connection. If you have more than one phone to be updated Gigaset QuickSync will only download the firmware from the Internet once.

        After the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet and the update process has started you cannot cancel the process, initiate another operation or close the application.

        During the update procedure:

        • Do not disconnect your device from the PC for any reason.
        • Do not turn off your PC, or activate hibernate or stand-by modes.
        • If you are using a laptop or netbook, please ensure your PC is powered up with a power supply.
        • Be patient, the update will take up to 10 minutes (without download time). The phone will disconnect and connect several times. Do not interrupt this procedure.
        • Gigaset SL78H
        • Gigaset S79H
        • Gigaset S800H
        • Gigaset S810H
        • Gigaset S820H
        • Gigaset SL400H
        • Gigaset SL910H
        • Gigaset S850H
        • Gigaset S850HX
        • Gigaset SL450H
        • Gigaset SL450HX
  • S
    • Software update
      • To enable your handset to communicate with the PC, the Gigaset QuickSync program must be installed on your PC (free to download at 

        The firmware-update of handsets is only supported by Gigaset QuickSync for Windows. The Gigaset QuickSync for MacOS supports only the firmware-update of the SL910H.


        Please make sure that you use the USB cable to connect the handset that you want to update, as updating via Bluetooth is not supported!


        If your handset is updatable and your PC is connected to the Internet, Gigaset QuickSync will automatically check for new firmware at least once a day, and if it is available it will prompt you to update your handset. You may disable this feature by unchecking the “Check Internet for new firmware and notify if update is available." checkbutton on the Settings - Firmware... page. It can also be disabled via the appropriate checkbox when Gigaset QuickSync prompts you to update your handset.


        You can always trigger the facility to check the Internet for new firmware manually:

        • Connect your phone to your PC using a USB data cable.
        • Start the Gigaset QuickSync program on your PC.
        • Establish a connection to your handset.
        • Click in the main menu of QuickSync on Firmware update.


        This launches the firmware update. The update process can take up to 10 minutes (not including the download time). Do not interrupt the process or remove the USB data cable. The data is initially loaded from the update server on the Internet. The amount of time this takes is dependent on the speed of your Internet connection.

        The display on your phone is switched off and the message key and the talk key start flashing. Once the update is complete, your phone will automatically restart.

      • If the update procedure fails or your phone does not work properly following the update, repeat the update procedure. To perform the firmware update again, please do as follows:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Put the battery back in (phone is blinking).
        5. Reconnect USB cable.
        6. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        7. Start firmware update again.


        Please Note:

        Updating via Bluetooth is not supported. Please connect the phone you want to update using the USB cable. A valid Internet connection is required to allow checking for new firmware and updating of your phones. Gigaset QuickSync will inform you that there is no valid Internet connection. If you have more than one phone to be updated Gigaset QuickSync will only download the firmware from the Internet once.

        After the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet and the update process has started you cannot cancel the process, initiate another operation or close the application.

        During the update procedure:

        • Do not disconnect your device from the PC for any reason.
        • Do not turn off your PC, or activate hibernate or stand-by modes.
        • If you are using a laptop or netbook, please ensure your PC is powered up with a power supply.
        • Be patient, the update will take up to 10 minutes (without download time). The phone will disconnect and connect several times. Do not interrupt this procedure.
    • Synchronizing contacts
      • The PC contacts tab in Settings defines the methods Gigaset QuickSync uses for synchronizing contacts.


        To open the PC contacts tab:

        • Click the Settings icon on the toolbar.
        • Then click the PC contacts tab.

        All the changes are saved automatically.


        For Synchronization with the Google account select the option Google Contacts in the PC contacts list. The use of this contact source requires a Google Account and Internet access.


        Click the "Allow access" button to authorize Gigaset QuickSync to access Google Contacts. Then enter your login data in the "Google Account" window and allow access on Google Contacts by clicking the corresponding button.


        Your Google Account credentials are not stored by Gigaset QuickSync. The application will access Google Contacts only until you revoke access. Other Google Account data are not available for Gigaset QuickSync.


        By default, the contacts from your phone are synchronized with the newly created Google Contact Group "Gigaset". Mark contacts from other Contact Groups as members of the "Gigaset" group in order to synchronize these contacts with your phone. You may also change the group which is used for synchronization. To do this, select another folder in the Folder list.


        You can revoke the Gigaset QuickSync access to Google Contacts. To do this, click the "Revoke access" button.

      • To convert the phone number with the handset during synchronisation, the area number must be correctly entered in the Gigaset QuickSync as well in the handset.

        The Area codes tab in the Settings of QuickSync allows you to set your current location area codes. 


        The area codes consist of four entries in two groups:

        • International area code: These settings are used for international numbers. Please enter the international access code, e.g. 00 in the UK, in the left field. Please enter country area code, e.g. 44 for the UK, in the right field.
        • Local area code: These settings are used for long distance numbers. Please enter the long distance access code, e.g. 0 in the UK, in the left field. Please enter local regional area code, e.g. 20 for London, in the right field.


        You should also check the configured Dailing rules of your Windows:

        Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Phone and Modem Options

      • Supported programms:

        • Google™ Contacts (Cloud service via Internet)
        • Windows® Contacts (on Windows® Vista, Windows® 7 und Windows® 8)
        • Windows® Address book  (on Windows® XP)
        • Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016(all in 32 bit version only)
      • Please check if the installed MS Outlook is defined as standard email program.


        Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Internetoptions and choose on the tab „Programs“ the MS Outlook resp MS Office Outlook for Email and Contacts.


        Please also check the Program Access and Default settings of your Windows

        Windows XP:

        • Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Software - Program Access and Default settings
        • Open Custom
        • For Choose a default e-mail program select the option Use my current e-mail program


        Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 10:

        • Open Control Panel - Default programs -Program Access and Default settings
        • Open Custom
        • For Choose a default e-mail program select the option Use my current e-mail program
      • A frequent reason for this problem is that the Contact folder is not part of the main Contact directory of MS Outlook.Please move this Contact folder as follows to the main Contact directory of your MS Outlook:

        • Open your Outlook
        • Please select the Contacts folder with the right mouse button
        • Click "Folders" move...
        • Select the main Contact directory in the tree
        • Click OK to confirm
      • Open the Settings - Contacts tab in the Gigaset QuickSync and check the following settings:


        The "Automatically add new PC contacts to handset" check box offers the option of automatically adding new contacts on the computer to the handset contacts. If it is checked, new contacts added to the computer database are automatically added to the handset. If it is not checked, they are not added.


        The "Automatically add new handset contacts to PC" check box offers the option of automatically adding new contacts on the handset to the computer contacts. If it is checked, new contacts added to the handset directory are automatically added to the computer database. If it is not checked, they are not added.

  • T
    • Troubleshooting
      • 1. De-install the Gigaset QuickSync Software via StartControl panel - Programs and Features.

        2. Rename the folder from „Gigaset_Communications_Gm“ in „Gigaset_Communications_Gm_old” or delete the folder.

        With Windows XP you will find the folder in:

        C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data

        With Windows 8 / 7 / Vista you will find the folder in:

        C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\

        3. Reinstall the latest version of Gigaset QuickSync. Please choose the installation mode “Completely” during the installation. 

      • I get an error message. What does it mean and how can I solve the problem?
      • To use the Picture Editor it is neccessary that the option "Manually choose part of picture" is activated in the Settings - Picture tab of the Gigaset QuickSync.

        With this configuration the Picture Editor pops up as each picture is uploaded. The preview may vary from the real view, depending on the handset.


        You will find further and detailed information, e.g. about the image and audio file formats, in the Help of Gigaset QuickSync.

      • To use the Ringtone Editor it is neccessary that the option "Manually choose part of audio file" is activated in the Settings - Audio tab of the Gigaset QuickSync.


        this configuration the Ringtone Editor pops up as each picture is


        You will find further and detailed information, e.g. about the image and audio file formats, in the Help of Gigaset QuickSync.

      • In the event of a serious error while your phone is being updated, it should be put into emergency mode. In this mode the phone is not operational. Only the firmware may be rewritten. To perform an emergency mode update please do as follows:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Hold down key "4" and "6" on the numeric pad.
        5. Put battery back in.
        6. Release key "4" and "6" (phone is blinking alternately).
        7. Reconnect USB cable.
        8. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        9. Start firmware update again.

        Please refer to your phone’s user guide for more information about the emergency mode and a detailed description about how to hold the phone during this procedure.

        If Gigaset QuickSync detects a phone that is in emergency mode it prompts you to start the firmware update process. This feature cannot be disabled.


        The Gigaset SL910H phone does not have Emergency Mode - it is always ready to start in ordinary mode.

        If the firmware update fails for this phone:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Put battery back in.
        5. Reconnect USB cable.
        6. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        7. Start firmware update procedure again.

        Please Note:

        Updating via Bluetooth is not supported. Please connect the phone you want to update using the USB cable. A valid Internet connection is required to allow checking for new firmware and updating of your phones. Gigaset QuickSync will inform you that there is no valid Internet connection. If you have more than one phone to be updated Gigaset QuickSync will only download the firmware from the Internet once.

        After the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet and the update process has started you cannot cancel the process, initiate another operation or close the application.

        During the update procedure:

        • Do not disconnect your device from the PC for any reason.
        • Do not turn off your PC, or activate hibernate or stand-by modes.
        • If you are using a laptop or netbook, please ensure your PC is powered up with a power supply.
        • Be patient, the update will take up to 10 minutes (without download time). The phone will disconnect and connect several times. Do not interrupt this procedure.
      • If the update procedure fails or your phone does not work properly following the update, repeat the update procedure. To perform the firmware update again, please do as follows:

        1. Close the application.
        2. Disconnect USB cable from the phone.
        3. Remove battery from your phone.
        4. Put the battery back in (phone is blinking).
        5. Reconnect USB cable.
        6. Start Gigaset QuickSync.
        7. Start firmware update again.


        Please Note:

        Updating via Bluetooth is not supported. Please connect the phone you want to update using the USB cable. A valid Internet connection is required to allow checking for new firmware and updating of your phones. Gigaset QuickSync will inform you that there is no valid Internet connection. If you have more than one phone to be updated Gigaset QuickSync will only download the firmware from the Internet once.

        After the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet and the update process has started you cannot cancel the process, initiate another operation or close the application.

        During the update procedure:

        • Do not disconnect your device from the PC for any reason.
        • Do not turn off your PC, or activate hibernate or stand-by modes.
        • If you are using a laptop or netbook, please ensure your PC is powered up with a power supply.
        • Be patient, the update will take up to 10 minutes (without download time). The phone will disconnect and connect several times. Do not interrupt this procedure.
      • To convert the phone number with the handset during synchronisation, the area number must be correctly entered in the Gigaset QuickSync as well in the handset.

        The Area codes tab in the Settings of QuickSync allows you to set your current location area codes. 


        The area codes consist of four entries in two groups:

        • International area code: These settings are used for international numbers. Please enter the international access code, e.g. 00 in the UK, in the left field. Please enter country area code, e.g. 44 for the UK, in the right field.
        • Local area code: These settings are used for long distance numbers. Please enter the long distance access code, e.g. 0 in the UK, in the left field. Please enter local regional area code, e.g. 20 for London, in the right field.


        You should also check the configured Dailing rules of your Windows:

        Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Phone and Modem Options

      • In order to use Telephony Mode of Gigaset QuickSync, the following requirements have to be met:

        • Gigaset QuickSync has to be installed properly.
        • Telephony Mode has to be activated in the Gigaset Quick Sync.
        • The “Dial options” of your contact application needs to be properly configured to use the Gigaset QuickSync line
        • The telephone number in Outlook must have the format "+Country Code (Area Code) #######."
          Example: +49 (425) 5551212
        • Windows Telephony service has to be installed and enabled. This is the default setting in Windows.


        Setting up the Gigaset QuickSync line in the Outlook Dialling options:

        • Open the Contacts folder in Outlook .
        • Click New call in the Actions >> Call Contanct menu.
        • Click Dialling options in the New call dialogue.
        • In the Connect using line tab, select the Gigaset QuickSync line.
        • Confirm your entry with " OK ".
        • Close the New call dialogue.


        Further and comprehensive information you will also find in the Help of the Gigaset QuickSync.

      • Please check if the installed MS Outlook is defined as standard email program.


        Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Internetoptions and choose on the tab „Programs“ the MS Outlook resp MS Office Outlook for Email and Contacts.


        Please also check the Program Access and Default settings of your Windows

        Windows XP:

        • Open Start – Settings – Control Panel - Software - Program Access and Default settings
        • Open Custom
        • For Choose a default e-mail program select the option Use my current e-mail program


        Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 10:

        • Open Control Panel - Default programs -Program Access and Default settings
        • Open Custom
        • For Choose a default e-mail program select the option Use my current e-mail program
      • A frequent reason for this problem is that the Contact folder is not part of the main Contact directory of MS Outlook.Please move this Contact folder as follows to the main Contact directory of your MS Outlook:

        • Open your Outlook
        • Please select the Contacts folder with the right mouse button
        • Click "Folders" move...
        • Select the main Contact directory in the tree
        • Click OK to confirm
      • Open the Settings - Contacts tab in the Gigaset QuickSync and check the following settings:


        The "Automatically add new PC contacts to handset" check box offers the option of automatically adding new contacts on the computer to the handset contacts. If it is checked, new contacts added to the computer database are automatically added to the handset. If it is not checked, they are not added.


        The "Automatically add new handset contacts to PC" check box offers the option of automatically adding new contacts on the handset to the computer contacts. If it is checked, new contacts added to the handset directory are automatically added to the computer database. If it is not checked, they are not added.

    • Telephony mode
      • You can use Gigaset QuickSync and one of the supported Gigasets to initiate and receive calls with your PC. In order to use Telephony Mode, the following requirements have to be met:

        • Gigaset QuickSync has to be installed properly.
        • Telephony Mode has to be activated in the Gigaset Quick Sync.
        • The “Dial options” of your contact application needs to be properly configured to use the Gigaset QuickSync line. Instructions on how to set up supported applications can be found below.
        • Windows Telephony service has to be installed and enabled. This is the default setting in Windows.

        To start Telephony Mode in the Gigaset Quick Sync:

        • Select a handset profile in the main window and establish the connection to the handset.
        • Start the Telephony Mode in the main window of the application.
        • Gigaset QuickSync will try to start Telephony Mode . If the handset cannot be accessed or prerequisites have not been met, the appropriate error message appears.
        • If successful, the Gigaset QuickSync tray icon will change.


        Please note:

        When Telephony Mode is enabled, it is impossible to synchronise contacts or explore the handset's content using Gigaset QuickSync.
        Gigaset QuickSync does not connect the speech path itself so the actual conversation cannot be heard using the computer speakers.


        Outgoing calls

        Gigaset QuickSync can be used to initiate outgoing calls from the PC. The calls can be initiated from the following contact applications:

        • Outlook 2003 - Microsoft Outlook 2003, available only when it is installed.
        • Outlook 2007 - Microsoft Outlook 2007, available only when it is installed.
        • Outlook 2010(32bit) - Microsoft Outlook 2010(32bit), available only when it is installed.
        • Windows Contacts - available only on Windows Vista and Windows 7.


        If there is an attempt to initiate an outgoing call when Gigaset QuickSync is not running, the call will fail and Gigaset QuickSync will start automatically, prompting the user to enable Telephony Mode.

        How to select a Gigaset QuickSync line in your application and initiate an outgoing call is as follows:
        Please note that the number is converted before dialling using the dialling rules of the operating system.
        The telephone number must have the format "+Country Code (Area Code) #######."
        Example: +49 (425) 5551212
        Refer to the operating system manual on how to configure the dialling rules.


        Calling from Outlook
        Setting up the Gigaset QuickSync line:

        • Open the Contacts folder in Outlook .
        • Click New call in the Actions >> Call Contact menu.
        • Click Dialling options in the New call dialogue.
        • In the Connect using line tab, select the Gigaset QuickSync line.
        • Confirm your entry with " OK ".
        • Close the New call dialogue.


        Calling the contact:

        • Open the Contacts folder in Outlook .
        • Select the contact you want to call.
        • Click the telephone number in the Actions >> Call contact menu.
        • Click Call... in the New call dialogue.
        • If Outlook returns an invalid numer format message during dialling, then:

        - Click New call in the Actions >> Call Contanct menu.
        - Click Open contact in the New call dialogue.
        - Double-click the telephone number.
        - Confirm the Check phone number dialogue with " OK ".


        Calling from Windows Contacts
        Setting up the Gigaset QuickSync line:

        • Click on Start >> Run in the Start menu.
        • Enter dialer.exe in the Open field and confirm with " OK ".
        • The Windows Dialler application will start.
        • Select Tools >> Connect Using... option in the main menu.
        • Ensure that Gigaset QuickSync is selected in Line field.
        • Ensure that " 1 " is selected in the Address field.
        • Confirm the choice with " OK ".


        Calling the contact:

        • Open the Windows Contacts application.
        • Right click on the contact to be called.
        • Select Action >> Call This Contact... from the context menu.
        • Click the " Call... " button in the New call dialogue in order to start the call.


        Incoming calls
        To answer incoming calls, Gigaset QuickSync should be running and Telephony Mode enabled.
        When these requirements are met, a popup window appears in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when there is an incoming call.
        This window shows caller information if available and allows the user to answer or reject the call.

        Please note:
        Some features, like call rejection, depend on the fixed line. For example, call rejection does not work on analogue lines but it does work on ISDN lines.


        Further and comprehensive information you will also find in the Help of the Gigaset QuickSync.

        • Gigaset CC660HX
        • Gigaset SL78H
        • Gigaset S79H
        • Gigaset S800H
        • Gigaset S810H
        • Gigaset S820H
        • Gigaset S850H
        • Gigaset S850HX
        • Gigaset SL350H
        • Gigaset SL360HS
        • Gigaset SL390HX
        • Gigaset SL400H
        • Gigaset SL450H
        • Gigaset SL450HX
        • Gigaset SL910H
        • Gigaset S510H PRO
        • Gigaset S650H PRO
        • Gigaset SL610H PRO
        • Gigaset SL750H PRO
        • Gigaset DL500A
        • Gigaset DX600A
        • Gigaset DX800A all in one
        • Gigaset DE700 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE900 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE310 IP PRO
        • Gigaset DE410 IP PRO
      • In order to use Telephony Mode of Gigaset QuickSync, the following requirements have to be met:

        • Gigaset QuickSync has to be installed properly.
        • Telephony Mode has to be activated in the Gigaset Quick Sync.
        • The “Dial options” of your contact application needs to be properly configured to use the Gigaset QuickSync line
        • The telephone number in Outlook must have the format "+Country Code (Area Code) #######."
          Example: +49 (425) 5551212
        • Windows Telephony service has to be installed and enabled. This is the default setting in Windows.


        Setting up the Gigaset QuickSync line in the Outlook Dialling options:

        • Open the Contacts folder in Outlook .
        • Click New call in the Actions >> Call Contanct menu.
        • Click Dialling options in the New call dialogue.
        • In the Connect using line tab, select the Gigaset QuickSync line.
        • Confirm your entry with " OK ".
        • Close the New call dialogue.


        Further and comprehensive information you will also find in the Help of the Gigaset QuickSync.

    • Transferring ringtones / pictures
      • To use the Picture Editor it is neccessary that the option "Manually choose part of picture" is activated in the Settings - Picture tab of the Gigaset QuickSync.

        With this configuration the Picture Editor pops up as each picture is uploaded. The preview may vary from the real view, depending on the handset.


        You will find further and detailed information, e.g. about the image and audio file formats, in the Help of Gigaset QuickSync.

      • To use the Ringtone Editor it is neccessary that the option "Manually choose part of audio file" is activated in the Settings - Audio tab of the Gigaset QuickSync.


        this configuration the Ringtone Editor pops up as each picture is


        You will find further and detailed information, e.g. about the image and audio file formats, in the Help of Gigaset QuickSync.


        The Gigaset QuickSync allows you to exchange media files between your handsets and a PC via Handset explorer and " Send to ".


        The following media types can be transferred from the PC to the handset:

        • Ring tones - Polyphonic files.
        • Screensavers - Image files. They will be used as full screen pictures for the handset screensaver.
        • Caller pictures - Image files. They will be used as caller pictures on the handset.


        Please note:

        The handset has a limited set of permitted characters (for details please refer to the handset’s user guide). If the file on your PC has a name that contains characters not included in this set, the characters may be converted to other similar characters supported by handset, if possible.


        Gigaset QuickSync supports the following image file formats:

        Microsoft Windows Bitmap*.BMP, *.DIB, *.RLE
        Joint Photographic Experts Group*.JPG, *.JPEG, *.JPE
        Graphics Interchange Format*.GIF
        Microsoft Enhanced Metafile*.EMF
        Windows Metafile*.WMF
        Tagged Image File Format*.TIF, *.TIFF
        Portable Network Graphics*.PNG
        Microsoft Windows Icons*.ICO


        Gigaset QuickSync unterstützt folgende Audio-Dateiformate:

        Gigaset Ringtone Format*.722, *.L22
        Waveform Audio Format*.WAV
        Windows Media Audio*.WMA
        MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3*.MP3

        Only audio files without Digital Rights Management (DRM) are supported.


Hier erhalten Sie Bedienungsanleitungen und Software-Updates.
  • QuickSync Version 9.0 for Windows® 8/8.1 und Windows® 10 (64 bit Version)

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gigaset QuickSync App ab der Veröffentlichung von Windows 11 nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Wir empfehlen daher, die App nur auf Geräten mit Windows 10 oder älteren Betriebssystemen zu verwenden.

    Gigaset QuickSync zur schnellen und leichten Synchronisation des PC-Adressbuchs mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon.

    Mit dieser Software lassen sich bequem Ihre Adressdaten von Microsoft® Outlook®, Windows®-Kontakte mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil über Bluetooth®, Datenkabel oder Netzwerk (LAN) synchronisieren.

    Generelle Informationen 

    Unterstützte Betriebssystemversionen 

    • Windows® 8 and 8.1 (64 bit)
    • Windows® 10 (64 bit)

    Synchronisation mit folgenden Diensten/Programmen: 

    1. Windows® Kontakte (auf Windows® 8/8.1 and Windows® 10)
    2. Microsoft® Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 und 2016 (alle in 32 bit Version)

    Leistungsmerkmale der Gigaset QuickSync für 
    Windows® Software: 

    • Schnelle Synchronisation zwischen Ihrem PC Adressbuch und Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon
    • Download von Klingeltönen, Screensaver und Picture Clips
    • Unterstützt alle (nicht kopiergeschützte) Musikformate - Midi und Real Sounds (z.B. MP3, AAC, …). Automatische Konvertierung in G.722 Format während des Downloads
    • Klingelton Editor: Wählen Sie, wie viele Sekunden des Titels auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden sollen
    • Bild Editor: Einfache Wahl eines Bildausschnittes, der auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden soll
    • Unterstützung von mehreren Mobilteilen mit jeweils eigenen Namen

    CTI-Funktionalität (Telefonie-Modus)

    • Unterstützung des Windows® Telefonie Interface z.B. zum Wählen direkt aus Outlook® Kontakten
    • Eingehende Gespräche werden am PC angezeigt
    • CTI über Bluetooth für SL910H, S820H, SL78H, SL400H, S800H, S810H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, T480HX und SL610H PRO, S510H PRO, S650H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO
    • CTI über USB für S79H, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX und SL350H
    • CTI über Ethernet für DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700, DE900, DE310 und DE410
    • Bluetooth Verbindungsaufbau integriert in QuickSync Software
    • QuickSync automatisch beim Systemstart ausführen (optional)

    Unterstützung von Gigaset SL910H, S820H, SL78H, S79H, S800H, S810H and SL400H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, SL350H, SL390HX, T480HX, CL660H, CL660HX, 
    CL690H, CL690HX, S510H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO: 

    • USB-Drivers (WHQL-zertifiziert) für USB-Schnittstelle
    • Synchronisation von bis zu 500 Adressbuch Einträgen
    • Automatische Suche nach neuen Firmware-Versionen (täglich)
    • Handset Firmware-Update (ausschließlich über USB-Verbindung)

    Unterstützung von DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE310 IP PRO und DE410 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von bis zu 1000 Adressbuch Einträgen (variantenabhängig)
    • Lokale Netzwerkverbindung

    Unterstützung von DE700 IP PRO und DE900 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von zusätzlichen Telefonnummern und Adresseinträgen in Kontakten

    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Mobilteilen

    • Gigaset CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX
    • Gigaset S79H, S810H, S820H, S850H, S850HX, S650HE
    • Gigaset SL78H, SL910H, SL400H, SL350H, SL360HS, SL390HX, SL450H, SL450HX
    • Gigaset C670H PRO, S510H PRO, S850H PRO, S650H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO, S600HC PRO, S700HE PRO, SL800HE PRO

    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Tischtelefonen

    • Gigaset DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700 IP PRO, DE900 IP PRO, DE310 IP PRO, DE410 IP PRO, TX480HX und Maxwell Cordless

    Release notes (September 2021)

    Version 9.0(9.0.883)

    • NEU: Integration von neuen Bluetooth® Treibern
    • NEU: Speichern und Wiederherstellen Funktion (für R700H PRO, S700H PRO und SL800H PRO nach Software-Update des Mobilteils auf Version 10.04)
    • Verbesserte Windows® 10 Unterstützung
    • Unterstützt nicht Windows® 7 oder älter

    Release notes (Februar 2022)

    Version 9.0(9.0.884)

    • NEU: Unterstützung für Gigaset S650HE, S600HC PRO, S700HE PRO, SL800HE PRO
  • QuickSync Version 9.0 for Windows® 8/8.1 und Windows® 10 (32 bit Version)

    Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Gigaset QuickSync App ab der Veröffentlichung von Windows 11 nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Wir empfehlen daher, die App nur auf Geräten mit Windows 10 oder älteren Betriebssystemen zu verwenden.

    Gigaset QuickSync zur schnellen und leichten Synchronisation des PC-Adressbuchs mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon.

    Mit dieser Software lassen sich bequem Ihre Adressdaten von Microsoft® Outlook®, Windows®-Kontakte mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil über Bluetooth®, Datenkabel oder Netzwerk (LAN) synchronisieren.

    Generelle Informationen 

    Unterstützte Betriebssystemversionen 

    • Windows® 8 and 8.1 (32 bit)
    • Windows® 10 (32 bit)

    Synchronisation mit folgenden Diensten/Programmen: 

    1. Windows® Kontakte (auf Windows® 8/8.1 and Windows® 10)
    2. Microsoft® Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 und 2016 (alle in 32 bit Version)

    Leistungsmerkmale der Gigaset QuickSync für 
    Windows® Software: 

    • Schnelle Synchronisation zwischen Ihrem PC Adressbuch und Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon
    • Download von Klingeltönen, Screensaver und Picture Clips
    • Unterstützt alle (nicht kopiergeschützte) Musikformate - Midi und Real Sounds (z.B. MP3, AAC, …). Automatische Konvertierung in G.722 Format während des Downloads
    • Klingelton Editor: Wählen Sie, wie viele Sekunden des Titels auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden sollen
    • Bild Editor: Einfache Wahl eines Bildausschnittes, der auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden soll
    • Unterstützung von mehreren Mobilteilen mit jeweils eigenen Namen

    CTI-Funktionalität (Telefonie-Modus)

    • Unterstützung des Windows® Telefonie Interface z.B. zum Wählen direkt aus Outlook® Kontakten
    • Eingehende Gespräche werden am PC angezeigt
    • CTI über Bluetooth für SL910H, S820H, SL78H, SL400H, S800H, S810H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, T480HX und SL610H PRO, S510H PRO, S650H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO
    • CTI über USB für S79H, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX und SL350H
    • CTI über Ethernet für DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700, DE900, DE310 und DE410
    • Bluetooth Verbindungsaufbau integriert in QuickSync Software
    • QuickSync automatisch beim Systemstart ausführen (optional)

    Unterstützung von Gigaset SL910H, S820H, SL78H, S79H, S800H, S810H and SL400H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, SL350H, SL390HX, T480HX, CL660H, CL660HX, 
    CL690H, CL690HX, S510H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO: 

    • USB-Drivers (WHQL-zertifiziert) für USB-Schnittstelle
    • Synchronisation von bis zu 500 Adressbuch Einträgen
    • Automatische Suche nach neuen Firmware-Versionen (täglich)
    • Handset Firmware-Update (ausschließlich über USB-Verbindung)

    Unterstützung von DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE310 IP PRO und DE410 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von bis zu 1000 Adressbuch Einträgen (variantenabhängig)
    • Lokale Netzwerkverbindung

    Unterstützung von DE700 IP PRO und DE900 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von zusätzlichen Telefonnummern und Adresseinträgen in Kontakten

    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Mobilteilen

    • Gigaset CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX
    • Gigaset S79H, S810H, S820H, S850H, S850HX, S650HE
    • Gigaset SL78H, SL910H, SL400H, SL350H, SL360HS, SL390HX, SL450H, SL450HX
    • Gigaset C670H PRO, S510H PRO, S850H PRO, S650H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO, S600HC PRO, S700HE PRO, SL800HE PRO

    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Tischtelefonen

    • Gigaset DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700 IP PRO, DE900 IP PRO, DE310 IP PRO, DE410 IP PRO, TX480HX und Maxwell Cordless

    Release notes (September 2021)

    Version 9.0(9.0.883)

    • NEU: Integration von neuen Bluetooth® Treibern
    • NEU: Speichern und Wiederherstellen Funktion (für R700H PRO, S700H PRO und SL800H PRO nach Software-Update des Mobilteils auf Version 10.04)
    • Verbesserte Windows® 10 Unterstützung
    • Unterstützt nicht Windows® 7 oder älter

    Release notes (Februar 2022)

    Version 9.0(9.0.884)

    • NEU: Unterstützung für Gigaset S650HE, S600HC PRO, S700HE PRO, SL800HE PRO
  • QuickSync Version 8.6 für Windows® Vista und Windows® 7 (64 bit Version)

    Gigaset QuickSync für Windows

    Gigaset QuickSync zur schnellen und leichten Synchronisation des PC-Adressbuchs mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon.

    Mit dieser Software lassen sich bequem Ihre Adressdaten von Microsoft® Outlook®, Windows®-Kontakte (Windows® Vista, Windows® 7) mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil über Bluetooth®, Datenkabel oder Netzwerk (LAN) synchronisieren.


    Generelle Informationen 

    Unterstützte Betriebssystemversionen 

    • Windows® Vista (64 bit)
    • Windows® 7 (64 bit)


     Synchronisation mit folgenden Diensten/Programmen: 

    • Windows® Kontakte (auf Windows® Vista, Windows® 7)
    • Microsoft® Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 und 2016 (alle in 32 bit Version)


    Leistungsmerkmale der Gigaset QuickSync für Windows® Software: 

    • Schnelle Synchronisation zwischen Ihrem PC Adressbuch und Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon
    • Download von Klingeltönen, Screensaver und Picture Clips
    • Unterstützt alle (nicht kopiergeschützte) Musikformate - Midi und Real Sounds (z.B. MP3, AAC, …). Automatische Konvertierung in G.722 Format während des Downloads
    • Klingelton Editor: Wählen Sie, wie viele Sekunden des Titels auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden sollen
    • Bild Editor: Einfache Wahl eines Bildausschnittes, der auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden soll
    • Unterstützung von mehreren Mobilteilen mit jeweils eigenen Namen


    CTI-Funktionalität (Telefonie-Modus):

    • Unterstützung des Windows® Telefonie Interface z.B. zum Wählen direkt aus Outlook® Kontakten
    • Eingehende Gespräche werden am PC angezeigt
    • CTI über Bluetooth für SL910H, S820H, SL78H, SL400H, S800H, S810H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, T480HX and SL610H PRO, S510H PRO, S650H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO
    • CTI über USB für S79H, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX und SL350H
    • CTI über Ethernet für DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700, DE900, DE310 und DE410
    • Bluetooth Verbindungsaufbau integriert in QuickSync Software
    • QuickSync automatisch beim Systemstart ausführen (optional)


    Unterstützung von Gigaset SL910H, S820H, SL78H, S79H, S800H, S810H and SL400H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, SL350H, SL390HX, T480HX, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX as well as S510H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO:

    • USB-Drivers (WHQL-zertifiziert) für USB-Schnittstelle
    • Synchronisation von bis zu 500 Adressbuch Einträgen
    • Automatische Suche nach neuen Firmware-Versionen (täglich)
    • Handset Firmware-Update (ausschließlich über USB-Verbindung)


    Unterstützung von DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE310 IP PRO und DE410 IP PRO:

    • Synchronisation von bis zu 1000 Adressbuch Einträgen (variantenabhängig)
    • Lokale Netzwerkverbindung


    Unterstützung von DE700 IP PRO und DE900 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von zusätzlichen Telefonnummern und Adresseinträgen in Kontakten


    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Mobilteilen:

    • Gigaset CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX
    • Gigaset S79H, S810H, S820H, S850H, S850HX
    • Gigaset SL78H, SL910H, SL400H, SL350H, SL360HS, SL390HX, SL450H, SL450HX
    • Gigaset C670H PRO, S510H PRO, S850H PRO, S650H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO


    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Tischtelefonen:

    • Gigaset DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700 IP PRO, DE900 IP PRO, DE310 IP PRO, DE410 IP PRO, TX480HX und Maxwell Cordless

    Release notes (Februar 2020)

    Version 8.6(8.6.880)

    • NEU: Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebung

    Release notes (Februar 2020)

    Version 8.6(8.6.881)

    • NEU: Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebung

      Release notes (Januar 2021)

      Version 8.6(8.6.882)

      • NEU: Verbesserung des Datei-Explorers
      • Neu: Unterstützung für Gigaset SL800H PRO, Gigaset S700H PRO und Gigaset R700H PRO
  • QuickSync Version 8.6 für Windows® Vista und Windows® 7 (32 bit Version)

    Gigaset QuickSync für Windows

    Gigaset QuickSync zur schnellen und leichten Synchronisation des PC-Adressbuchs mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon.

    Mit dieser Software lassen sich bequem Ihre Adressdaten von Microsoft® Outlook®, Windows®-Kontakte (Windows® Vista, Windows® 7) mit dem Gigaset Mobilteil über Bluetooth®, Datenkabel oder Netzwerk (LAN) synchronisieren.


    Generelle Informationen 

    Unterstützte Betriebssystemversionen 

    • Windows® Vista (32 bit)
    • Windows® 7 (32 bit)

    Synchronisation mit folgenden Diensten/Programmen: 

    • Windows® Kontakte (auf Windows® Vista, Windows® 7)
    • Microsoft® Outlook® 2007, 2010, 2013 und 2016 (alle in 32 bit Version)


    Leistungsmerkmale der Gigaset QuickSync für Windows® Software: 

    • Schnelle Synchronisation zwischen Ihrem PC Adressbuch und Gigaset Mobilteil oder Tischtelefon
    • Download von Klingeltönen, Screensaver und Picture Clips
    • Unterstützt alle (nicht kopiergeschützte) Musikformate - Midi und Real Sounds (z.B. MP3, AAC, …). Automatische Konvertierung in G.722 Format während des Downloads
    • Klingelton Editor: Wählen Sie, wie viele Sekunden des Titels auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden sollen
    • Bild Editor: Einfache Wahl eines Bildausschnittes, der auf das Mobilteil übertragen werden soll
    • Unterstützung von mehreren Mobilteilen mit jeweils eigenen Namen


    CTI-Funktionalität (Telefonie-Modus):

    • Unterstützung des Windows® Telefonie Interface z.B. zum Wählen direkt aus Outlook® Kontakten
    • Eingehende Gespräche werden am PC angezeigt
    • CTI über Bluetooth für SL910H, S820H, SL78H, SL400H, S800H, S810H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, T480HX und SL610H PRO, S510H PRO, S650H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO
    • CTI über USB für S79H, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX und SL350H
    • CTI über Ethernet für DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700, DE900, DE310 und DE410
    • Bluetooth Verbindungsaufbau integriert in QuickSync Software
    • QuickSync automatisch beim Systemstart ausführen (optional)


    Unterstützung von Gigaset SL910H, S820H, SL78H, S79H, S800H, S810H and SL400H, S850H, S850HX, SL450H, SL450HX, SL360HS, SL350H, SL390HX, T480HX, CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX as well as S510H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO: 

    • USB-Drivers (WHQL-zertifiziert) für USB-Schnittstelle
    • Synchronisation von bis zu 500 Adressbuch Einträgen
    • Automatische Suche nach neuen Firmware-Versionen (täglich)
    • Handset Firmware-Update (ausschließlich über USB-Verbindung)


    Unterstützung von DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE310 IP PRO und DE410 IP PRO:

    • Synchronisation von bis zu 1000 Adressbuch Einträgen (variantenabhängig)
    • Lokale Netzwerkverbindung


    Unterstützung von DE700 IP PRO und DE900 IP PRO

    • Synchronisation von zusätzlichen Telefonnummern und Adresseinträgen in Kontakten


    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Mobilteilen:

    • Gigaset CL660H, CL660HX, CL690H, CL690HX
    • Gigaset S79H, S810H, S820H, S850H, S850HX
    • Gigaset SL78H, SL910H, SL400H, SL350H, SL360HS, SL390HX, SL450H, SL450HX
    • Gigaset C670H PRO, S510H PRO, S850H PRO, S650H PRO, SL610H PRO, SL750H PRO, SL800H PRO, S700H PRO, R700H PRO


    Gigaset QuickSync ist kompatibel mit den Gigaset Tischtelefonen:

    • Gigaset DL500A, DX600A ISDN, DX800A all in one, DE700 IP PRO, DE900 IP PRO, DE310 IP PRO, DE410 IP PRO, TX480HX und Maxwell Cordless

    Release notes (Februar 2020)

    Version 8.6(8.6.880)

    • NEU: Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebung

    Release notes (Februar 2020)

    Version 8.6(8.6.881)

    • NEU: Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebung

    Release notes (Januar 2021)

    Version 8.6(8.6.882)

    • NEU: Verbesserung des Datei-Explorers
    • Neu: Unterstützung für Gigaset SL800H PRO, Gigaset S700H PRO und Gigaset R700H PRO

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